


"To Kill a Mockingbird" Reading Notes


Author: Harper Lee
Recommended Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

This novel reveals themes such as racial discrimination, the nature of humanity, wrongful conviction, and growth through the eyes of Scout. The novel won the Pulitzer Prize in 1961.

The biggest realization from the novel is that unless you have experienced someone else's suffering, you cannot truly advise them to be good. As stated in the book, "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."

In 1962, this novel was adapted into a film of the same name, "To Kill a Mockingbird." I will watch the movie later.




  • Back then, life had a slow pace.

  • You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...

  • Dill wholeheartedly agreed with this plan of action. He has now become an annoying pest, constantly following Jem around. Earlier this summer, he even proposed to me, but quickly forgot about it. At that time, he pursued me relentlessly, treating me as his possession, claiming I was the only girl he ever loved. But then he started ignoring me.

  • Miss Maudie disliked her house, believing that staying inside was a waste of time.

  • We can never truly understand what others have experienced. Who knows what secrets are hidden behind the closed doors of every household...

  • We can't give up fighting for victory just because we've been defeated for the past hundred years.

  • I took a deep breath. "Well, first of all, you never gave me a chance to speak and explain myself - you started scolding me right away. Whenever Jem and I argue, Atticus never just listens to his side of the story, he always listens to mine as well. Secondly, you told me that those curse words should only be used in extreme anger, and at that time, Francis made me so angry that I wanted to punch him in the face..."

  • When a child asks you a question, you should answer seriously and not dodge the question. Even though children are just children, they can sense when you're avoiding the question, and avoiding it will only confuse them.

  • She can't help it. Sick people sometimes look unpleasant.

  • Atticus said, "'People who sympathize with Negroes' is just a meaningless term, like 'snot-nose.' It's hard to explain - some ignorant people think that caring for black people means caring for them more than for themselves, so they use this term. Unconsciously, this term has become part of the everyday language of ordinary people like us, used to label others as lowly and ugly."

  • If someone uses that as an insulting term against you, it doesn't diminish your character. It only shows how pitiful the person insulting you is, and their insults cannot harm you.

  • I want you to learn something from her - I want you to see what true courage is, instead of mistakenly thinking that someone holding a gun is brave. Courage is knowing that you are destined to lose before you even start, but still going ahead without hesitation and persevering no matter what happens.

  • With him around, life was orderly; without him, it was unbearable.

  • Atticus once said that one way to determine if a witness is lying or telling the truth is to listen to their words, not observe their appearance.

  • Some people cry for the suffering they bring upon others - they don't even think about it. They cry for the suffering caused by white people to black people, without stopping to consider that black people are also human beings.

  • In this courtroom, not a single person has never lied, not a single person has never done something immoral, and not a single man has never desired any woman.

  • We all know that the idea of 'all men are created equal' that some people instill in us is actually a fallacy - in fact, some people are smarter and wiser than others, some people have more opportunities than others simply because they were born that way, some men earn more money than others, and some women make better cakes than others - in short, some people are naturally more talented and gifted than the majority of ordinary people.

  • I don't know, but they did it. They did it before, they did it again tonight, and they will do it again in the future, and when they do... it seems like only children cry. Goodnight.

  • I just want to tell you that in this world, some people are born to do the unpleasant jobs for us. Your father is one of them.

  • When you grow up a little more, you will realize that there are white people deceiving black people every day. But let me tell you one thing, you must always remember - any white person who does such despicable things to black people, no matter who they are, no matter how wealthy or noble they may be, they are scum.

  • The thing that disgusts me the most in this world is when low-class white people deceive innocent and ignorant black people. Don't fool yourself - these actions accumulate day by day, and we will eventually pay the price for them. I hope it won't be your generation that has to repay.

  • I used to think the same way when I was your age." He finally spoke, "If there was only one kind of person in the world, why couldn't they get along? If they were all the same, why would they despise each other? Scout, I think I'm starting to understand why Boo Radley always stays inside... It's because he 'wants' to shut himself in.

  • Killing a disabled person is a sin, whether they are standing, sitting, or running away. He compared Tom's death to the senseless killing of songbirds by hunters and ignorant children.

  • You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...

  • Scout, most people are good, once you finally see them for who they are.

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